

  • Cold Dryer Machine

    When the customer choose the membrane filter press with air squeezeing, and the use site of the filter press don’t have the Gas source, in this case, the Cold dryer machine will be used.

  • Gas Storage Tank

    When the customer choose the membrane filter press with air squeezeing, and the use site of the filter press don’t have the Gas source, in this case, the air compressor will be used, and also the Gas storage tank will be used.

  • Air Compressor

    When the customer choose the membrane filter press with air squeezeing, and the use site of the filter press don’t have the Gas source, in this case, the air compressor will be used.

  • Ceramic Plunger Pump Used For Filter Press

    First, the main components of the pump are imported from abroad, and the pump adopts an infiltration-lubricated crankshaft rotating and frictionless ceramic plunger. Automatic pressure control, automatic unloading. Long service life and stable and re

  • Slurry Pump Used For Filter Press

    Slurry pumps can be widely used in mines, power, metallurgy, coal, environmental protection and other industries to transport slurry containing abrasive solid particles. Such as metallurgical beneficiation plant slurry transportation, thermal power p

  • Controlled Volume Pump Used For Filter Press

    Metering pump: A machine that can measure and transport liquids, also called metering pumps, proportional pumps, because it is often used in various types of pharmaceutical additives, so it is also called dosing pump.


    1. Wide pressure and flow range; 2. The wide range for the type and viscosity of the sludge; 3. Because the inertial force of the rotating parts in the pump is low, a high speed can be used;

  • Vertical Multistage Centrifugal Pump Used For Filter Press

    Vertical structure, the same diameter of the inlet and outlet, and located on the same center line, can be installed in the pipeline like a valve, beautiful appearance, small footprint, low construction investment.

  • Sealing Ring For Cylinder And Hydraulic Station

    In filter press, seals are required in many places, such as Cylinder seat, hydraulic station, filter plate, instrument valve. Guarantee the normal operation of the filter press.


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